
Tobacco Free School Tool Kit Registration

School Tool Kit Registration

Pennsylvania’s 100% Tobacco Free Schools Toolkit


Tobacco Free Allegheny along with our partner Addiction Medicine Services has developed the Pennsylvania 100% Tobacco Free Schools Toolkit to provide the most recent research about teens and tobacco including evidence-based prevention curricula; strategies to help teens quit tobacco; and specific information tailored for parents, schools and teens.


This comprehensive toolkit includes tools, templates and information on implementing effective policies and procedures to promote tobacco free schools. Whether you are new to tobacco programming, or are an expert, this toolkit will save you time and effort. If you are just beginning to craft your response to nicotine or are refining your approach, the toolkit allows you to work with sections that are important to your current need.


To download all or part of this toolkit please fill out the form below. Please fill out and submit the registration one time only. Tobacco Free Allegheny will send you an email with your log-in user name and password. You will not be able to log-in to download the Toolkit until after you receive our email with this information. We will do our best to complete your registration promptly. Thank you.

Toolkit Registration Form

* Name
* Email
* Password
* School District
* Job Title
* Street Address
* City
* State
* Zip Code
* Phone Number
   County(s) Served
   School(s) Served
* Would you like to receive occasional email updates about tobacco related issues?
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