
Mission and Goals


Tobacco Free Allegheny’s mission is to change the community norms surrounding tobacco, making it uncommon to see, use, or be negatively affected by tobacco or tobacco smoke pollution (secondhand and thirdhand smoke).

As part of Pennsylvania’s Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, our work is based on the Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The goals identified are designed to guide programs in their effort to significantly decrease tobacco related morbidity, mortality and economic costs.


  • Prevent initiation of tobacco use among youth and young adults
  • Promote cessation efforts among adults and youth to address use of all tobacco products
  • Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Identify and eliminate tobacco and all other tobacco products disparities
  • Enhance Pennsylvania’s role as a nationally recognized leader in tobacco control programs and policies

Tobacco Free Allegheny uses these goals to guide its work locally.  To advance its work TFA identifies partner agencies that share its vision and who have specialized skills in a particular area of tobacco control.  TFA invests in programs that have the ability to foster sustainable change by embedding tobacco prevention and treatment of tobacco use dependency into existing programs and structures.

Click here to view the full Pennsylvania Tobacco Prevention and Control Program guide for 2018-2022.