
Allegheny Quits for Life

Allegheny Quits for Life

Smoking rates are declining nationally, but the battle is far from over.

Every day, roughly 1,300 Americans die
from smoking-related illnesses; that’s 480,000 a year.

This isn’t just a national problem –
the health effects of tobacco disproportionately affect Western Pennsylvanians:

The national average of people who smoke is 17%
In Pennsylvania, 19% of residents smoke
In Allegheny County, 21% (more than 1 in 5) people smoke

From November 11-17, 2018
Tobacco Free Allegheny, along with their partners, will be celebrating the
4th annual Allegheny Quits for Life Cessation Awareness Week!

What is Allegheny Quits for Life?

Allegheny Quits for Life is a week-long series of events and communications designed to support residents’ efforts to quit smoking and using tobacco products. Allegheny Quits for Life partners are critical in conveying the message that a smoke-free Allegheny is a healthier Allegheny, and to secure commitments from Allegheny residents to take the first steps toward quitting.

How Can I Get Involved?

This year’s Allegheny Quits for Life Cessation Awareness week has come to a close. Over the course of the week, 34 community partner organizations throughout Allegheny County held a total of 50 awareness events resulting in face-to-face interactions with over 1,500 individuals. Additionally, online and social media content reached over 10,000 people!

Thank you!

Allegheny Quits for Life partners are critical in conveying the message that a smoke-free Allegheny is a healthier Allegheny. We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to our 2018 partner organizations (in no particular order):